help support the parade
Takoma Park's most well-known and beloved community tradition is planned, directed, and financed by the efforts of the all-volunteer Takoma Park Independence Day Committee (TPIDC). TPIDC is a small group of volunteers who work hundreds of hours each year to make the celebration a success. While a City grant covers about half of the total cost of the day's events, we rely on the support of our community to make up the shortfall.
Your financial support as a sponsor will ensure that our Independence Day tradition is preserved year after year, for our community's oldest and longest residents on down to its youngest and newest. Our multi-tiered donation system is designed to support your business or organization.
You can make a donation online via DONATE button or by check mailed to the Committee at 149 Ritchie Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910. If you're interested in developing a sponsorship package tailored to your business' unique needs, please contact us. Thank you for your interest!

Fundraising comprises of door-to-door collections, t-shirt sales, raffle rickets, and sponsorships from community members, local businesses, and other community organizations.
Expense each year include insurance, prizes, permits, sound, stage, and other equipment, Roscoe the Rooster Committtee float, website, parade participants and evening performance, and signage, printing, and other costs.
T-shirts are $20 each, or 2 for $35, and are available in sizes from a Kid's Small through an Adult 3X. Come to the TPIDC booth on the 4th to get your own.
If bad weather forces us to cancel the parade or the evening street party, the money we spent on permits, programs, signage, and other material is money we cannot recover. We don't cancel either one unless we have no other choice.
Help sponsor Takoma Park's Independence Day Clebration by making a donation online (backed by PayPal). We are a nonprofit 501(c)(4) civic organization funded by the community of Takoma Park and area residents like you. Note that 501(c)(4) donations are not tax deductible.